Wednesday, January 16

Warning: This Will be Extremely Boring for You . . .

. . . but it's going to be one of my favorite posts to look back at once in a while.

Ever have one of those days that you wish you could just replay over and over again? I did on Saturday. I would happily go back and relive every single second of it, and I wouldn't change a single thing. It might have been nice if Alexis had figured out how fun Sesame Street Live was a wee bit sooner, but I wouldn't trade that 45 minutes she spent clinging to me for anything. It doesn't get much better than having your Toddler nuzzled up close for that length of time. She may never sit still that long ever again, so I enjoyed every second of it.

But even better were the events leading up to that afternoon out. It was just your run-of-the-mill sort of morning. Then Alexis managed to turn putting away laundry into the most fun I've ever had (Why yes, as a matter of fact, I do not have a life. What of it?). There are no words that can do justice to the playing we did that morning, other than wow! my kid is funny when she puts tights on her head!

Thank goodness for cameras. I plan to relive this fun over and over and over for YEARS. Thanks, Alexis (oh, and next time I suggest you wear pants).


  1. Lol. I love the pictures. Enjoy being able to post them.

    About three weeks ago I was at McDonalds with my older two kids and my ten year old son got the idea to put the Happy Meal paper bag on his head. Then he pulled it over his face to see if his whole head would fit inside.

    You bet I pulled out my camera phone and started taking pictures!!

    I'm holding on to the pictures until I need something really really big out of him.

    They may get posted some day....

  2. But I bet it wouldn't be nearly as fun WITH pants!

  3. Pants are way overrated. Life is just funnier without them. And stocking on your head is too cute for words. Thanks for the pictures!

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Oh, what a great time you had! Precious moments...

  5. OMG she it TOO cute!! Now that's a girl that can get away with wearing black tights with ANYTHING!!!

  6. Oh I love it. She's hamming it up, huh? Cute. Cute outfit, too.

  7. tee hee....those are soooooooooooo dang cute! What a great memory!

  8. It looks like she's having so much fun! Yeah for tights! Some of my best days are ones in which I did nothing major. Having fun with laundry sounds like a great day.

    Totally off topic, did you see the story about bulldogs
    Go bulldogs! (As an alum from UGA, I'm used to writing Go Dawgs, but it has the same feeling.)

  9. What a cutie! She obviously is not shy in front of the camera, (well, maybe a little when she puts the tights on her head, but..) Aren't days like that what it's all about?? That's great that you can appreciate the little moments, the silliness and intimacy of being together! BTW, I was just reading your post about the potty training and you have my sympathy, that can be a trying time for sure. I think it's really encouraging that she is so interested in the whole process, once she figures out what she's supposed to be doing in there (which probably won't be very long, honestly) it will be a breeze for her. Hang in there! :)

  10. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The last shot is my favorite!! She's too freakin' adorable :)

  11. Sounds like you had a nice day together. Sometimes just doing "nothing" can create the best memories!


  12. I love the last one. How cute is she!!

  13. can you consider folding laundry with a toddler, not having a life!!?? that is so stinking cute!!
    i don't think i have a life either!! thank god for blogging!!
    btw...that comment you left...oy! vey! did that happen to you? because, that is some seriously hysterical stuff!!

  14. LOL!!! She looks a little like a cute version of Jar Jar Binks.

  15. So DARLING! :)

    My daughter is always putting her brother's dirty underwear on her head...I wonder if I can get her to switch to tights? ;)

  16. Sometimes the best days are just the normal days where just the normal stuff happens and then when you tell someone else about the normal stuff that happened they look at you like your crazy. But then, you don't care because you had a blast and that is what counts.
    Love the photos and the sentiments.

  17. Oh, she is a doll baby! Enjoy those moments as much as you can. I am with you, I have NO life. But I know I will look back on those simple times, like doing laundry while my youngest is singing and toddling around my feet, and I will not think, "I had NO life", I will think "THAT was the life". I am sure you will agree.

    Makes me sad to even think about it....:(

  18. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Just how did I miss this? That chick is so funny I am almost tempted to start dower negotiations. And, you know I've already promised Sweetie Darling to the Lord our God as a priest, that is saying mountains.

  19. There is nothing better than a happy baby, right? She sure does look happy. Little pie.

  20. Anonymous3:58 PM

    No, not boring at all. That last photo is a STITCH! What a cutie!

  21. You have the mommy thing down. That little girl is so lucky to have a mom that finds such joy in the little stuff (and can laugh her butt off at the rest). :)

  22. The pictures sure weren't boring. What a cutie! Where can I get one? KMart seems to be out of cute kids - at least the ones I can procure legally.

  23. who wears pants? No one worth being friends with, that's for sure.

  24. Those pictures were TOO funny and cute. Hey, if things don't go her way as she grows up- she could have a future in robbing banks- she has the tights on her head thing down!

    Glad you had a good day - we all needs those!

  25. Who needs pants. I'm still potty training my toddler and he has started to really like not wearing pants. I wonder if I can ever get them back on him????

  26. And now I say to you.


    Yep, pants are indeed WAY overrated. You're right, you'll nevah evah forget this post!

  27. That is one fun kid, I tell ya! No pants, tights on her head - all she needs to do is add dancing on tables while singing bad karaoke to her reportoire, and she will truly be the life of every party.
    Those are the moments that make life worth living.

  28. what a hoot!

    wish I could have so much fun folding laundry...which I actually need to do now...*sigh*
