Saturday, November 8

Thinking She Will Only Remember One of Them 10 Years from Now

A little earlier I was sitting on the couch with Alexis and happened to direct my good friend Firefox to CNN's website. Alexis leaned over to see my screen, pointed to a tiny little picture of our President-elect and asked, "What's Barack Obama doing?"

Once my I managed to pick up my jaw from the floor, I did a quick Google image search of both McCain and Obama. Behold (volume is awful because of mucho Meg noise and Alexis' whispering):

We did not teach that to Alexis.

At all.

You can't tell me campaign ads don't penetrate little brains. That's the ONLY explanation I can come up with for how she was able to do that.

She didn't know who Ms. Alaska Winkerton was, though.

Shucks. I could have had fun with that.


  1. If that's making an impact, it's scary to think what else is getting in!

  2. So glad she didn't say "Dora."

  3. Brains. Lots of brains.

    And the cutest voice ever . . . I could listen to that all day. The voice, that is :)

  4. WOW! Sadly, that's probably more than what some adult Americans can recognize. Also... kind of makes you worry about what else makes in into their brains!!

  5. I haven't taught any of that to my 4 year old either, yet at Barnes & Noble the other day he saw our new president-elect on the cover of a magazine and he knew exactly who he was!

  6. Her little voice is so cute! I can't believe she recognizes and knows their names. Little smarty!

  7. She says his name so clearly! Just tell me you didn't make her wear a Obama pin like my employers made their 2 1/2 year old daughter!

  8. @jen--That's ten shades of wrong. Let kids make up their own minds in their own time, y'know?

  9. Wow, that's a smart little girl you have there! Cute, too!

    Peace - D

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Yep. And, big brains too.

  11. such a cutie and smart, too.

  12. Amazing what they pick up on!

    Oh, and "Go Colts!" (sorry, but I had to!)

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM


    we definitely underestimate the LITTLE EARS that we live with.


  14. As much commercialization as this particular election had, I guess we shouldn't be surprised, but still...!
    How old is Alexis again? I forgot.

  15. I hear you! Jubilation is loud!
    I am soooo happy for you and Micah! I actually squealed the other day when he got the machine!

  16. Cute and smart...

    And you're right, this is a little bit scary. Sigh.

  17. She sounds so cute :)

  18. Hawt!

    Sumo can actually say "Obama" even if it sounds like "'Bama," and he gets all excited when his man comes on TV. It freaks me out big time but in a totally hawt way. Especially since he, too, was nonplussed by McCain and Winky McWinkerton.

  19. Anonymous12:38 PM

    It is bizarre to have such politically aware toddlers. Little Man, upon seeing an SNL skit with Obama and McCain asked confused "who's that?" And I told him "it's Obama and McCain" and he said "no it's not." I told him it was actually people pretending to be McCain and Obama and he looked at me like I was crazy, looked at the TV and said "Why they doing that, that's so mean."

    Lorne Michaels, expect a letter from my humorless toddler any day now.

  20. It is scary what they remember! Just goes to show you that they do hear what we say and what the tv says!!!

  21. *L* Our preschoolers knew who the candidates were too. maybe the absorbed it like Alexis did but some were really clear on their parents feelings about both candidates. Kids always kiss & tell *L*

  22. So we're looking at a career in politics, are we?

  23. Anonymous2:04 PM

    My son, 4, did the same thing. No clue how but one day he asked me about Barack and then the next day he asked me if John McCain was OK about loosing. I have no clue where he got it from.

  24. I agree, too many ads. Amazing how they suck it all in. A little scary too, eh?
