Thursday, December 6

My Rookie Mistake

I should know that when Alexis asks to eat a chocolate covered Oreo lollipop and I say no, the only acceptable Toddler response is a fit. When 'no' is met by silence, that can only mean she has taken matters into her own hands.

She gnawed through the plastic. Like a rat.


  1. LOL - but look how happy she looks. Would you deny her something chocolate and miss that look of sheer enjoyment?

  2. Yes, silence always makes me nervous. Very nervous.

  3. Oh my she looks so mischievous there, doesn't she?!LOL
    yup, silence from a toddler can be one of the nerve-wracking things a mom could face.
    btw, you're welcome to the link. I really enjoy reading your entries.thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  4. Wait until you have #4. You're just glad they found their own lunch ;-)

    Great blog btw. Nice to meet you.

  5. When I hear nothing from the other room, that's when I KNOW they're up to something.

    And hey, just think of her gnawing through the plastic wrap as honing her problem solving skills. She had a problem = couldn't get cookie open. She solved = gnaw through wrapper. Problem solved!! :)

  6. She's a persistent one!

    An independent strong willed girl makes for a great woman, eventually!

    I really like sneaking up on the silent toddler. Just to see how he thinks.

  7. That facial expression is her patented, "I'm busted and I know it, but if I am really, really cute, maybe I won't get in trouble" face. Darn thing works every time, especially when there are pigtails involved.

  8. Oh, my oh my. She is quite the handful ain't she? But so adorably cute, how can you get mad??

  9. Oh yeah...the silence makes me run EVERY time. No good can come from silence. She does look so cute in those pigtails!

  10. I think I should confess that she was standing right. next. to. me the whole time. Two inches away. I absolutely get an 'F' for my parenting skills last night.

    Also, the darn kid sucked all the white gooky stuff out of the middle of the Oreo, dropped all the red chocolate on the kitchen floor, and handed me the remnants. I was forced to eat the cookie part (I couldn't just throw it away, could I?), clean up the stained floor, and mope around that she hogged the best part of the whole thing to herself. The cream centers of all Oreos in our house are mine, Alexis. MINE.

  11. You crack me up! I feel your pain on the slimy leftovers you eat so it isn't wasted. Ashlyn will ask for (insert just about anything I REALLY want to eat)- take two bites and then proclaim she is done. Since I REALLY want it, I end up eating what is left. Yeah, being a mommy is an adventure in sloppy seconds. As far as bad things kids have done while being right next to you....oh my, mine is abusing her brother as we speak and I am on my ever expanding back side blogging through it all. Guess who gets the F now?!?

  12. She's not a rat. She's way, way, way too cute. Maybe a mouse but NOT a rat. :)

  13. It's amazing how determined a toddler can be. I can only hope this continues into later years and they are determined to become a rocket scientist, or a doctor, or the president. Determination is good, right?

  14. I hope so, Bia, I really do.

  15. Silence is never a good thing when there are children in the house.

    I'm surprised you would "allow" her to do something like that ;

  16. She is so gorgeous!
    "Silence ~ The scariest sound a parent can hear"

  17. And yet we can't help but enjoy it for a few moments before investigating!

  18. my friend once found her 3-year old son hiding under the end-table drinking a highly-prohibited Pepsi...

    oh, and just catching up on my blog-reading again, BTW...and saw I'm on your blogroll! how lovely and sweet of you to like my crazy rants. :) Funny, since I JUST added you today (because I've been thinking about it, but usually when I'm in the car, or not near a computer...but forget once I'm finally in front).
    Okay...I've babbled enough. cute pic, though. ;)
